Thursday, April 22, 2010


Back in the day (not long ago, and still sometimes), I would never have asked for help.  Don't want to admit to even a moment of weakness or get emotional...pretty much ever.  But Tuesday got me.  It's been a mommy-motional week.  Yep, I had a mini breakdown.  Lets just say thank God my husband has the ability to work from home...

Jason left for work as usual.  I made breakfast for Will.  Nursed the baby.  Pumped the leftovers. started...the whining, Mason crying and fighting sleep, the repetitive "I want ____'s" followed by a tantrum after every "no" response, the over full Pull-Up full of poop that skidded down Will's leg and all over the carpet, the barking dog, my stinking-not-showered-today arm pits and acne covered face...  Nothing out of the ordinary, but I just couldn't take it.  So, somehow, I allowed myself to pick up the phone and call my husband to ask him to come home before I locked the kids in their respective rooms for the remainder of the day.  Now, I'm happy for my moment of weakness and my new ability to ask for a little help.  It's funny now, but it wasn't on Tuesday.  Jason got home.  I got a shower and left the house to accomplish something from my checklist.

It felt good.
Thanks, Honey.

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